Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Home Garden Up Date

That the Lovely lovable yet evil to her playmate. I, finally, got to see sweet pea flowers which used to die because of hot desert sun and drought. I did not have time to water them so they could not last or live long to bloom. The sweet pea fragrant is very strong and almost like exotic perfume. The lily of the Nile, which I believe that my boyfriend's mom loves, is finally blooming. I was hoping it to bloom during Mother days to give to her but it blooms much later. I think now it is time for it to bloom; in another word, it is the season to bloom.
I just love the hollyhock! If it is peach, it would make a great statement in the neighborhood. Every house--almost, in this neighborhood has it in front of the house, but, of course, it is just single petal; mine is fully double and huge. Everyone has pink so am I therefore, it can hardly be outstanding or different than anyone else. The peach color one died last year. I was not sure why because I watered both of them at the same time.
I do not remember why I was mistake zinnia seeding plants with sunflower. I dig up three 'zinnia' plants home with me. Since zinnia is not much big so I planted them almost next to each other. When they had a few more leaves, I realized that I got sunflower instead! That was good too because I love sunflower also. I hope that the big tall plant wont kill my little rose NOW is under their leaves. My plan was to have big leaves shadow and shade the weak rose but only time can tell.
I finally get to see the color of hydrangea--at least one of them, I ordered three kinds but only two survive the hardship of moving and staying in small pot. It is forever pink I think because it is pink through out and nothing else. I will try the nitrogen to see if it will change the color or not. Maybe the other is Nikko Blue Hydrangea because it has big leaves also.
There were two butterflies and a bee stopping by at the lavender. I show this white lily because it looked playful.
I was gonna continue to water my plants but there was a disturbance by a man without shirt and white short walking around and screaming including 'pervert' to some workers who are working on the fence for some of my neighbor. It has been noise from just one man for an hour or more. He was giving me a headache and my plants are getting thirstier. Someone has called the cop

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