Since my yard does not have fence like all the neighbors, all the trash in the neighborhood land and stay in my yard! Which idiot trash their own neighborhood!? That is not as bad as the neighbor let their dogs poop in my front yard! These dogs run wild in the street. Some of these days there may be accident involving the "loving" pooch... They will have only themselves to blame.
I took Jamie and Jordan for a walk. They were well behaved in a way meaning that I still h

The rose above is Rose de Rescht Old Roses (Portland Roses). A good bushy plant, with, neat, full flowers of purple-crimson, held well above its ample foliage. Very fragrant. Good repeating. 3 ft. x 2 ft. I do not see the "purple-crimson" color so I am happy because that color is really dark but it will match with my crimson queen Japanese maple tree on the right. If you can see the bright red that gonna be seed which I am not sure whether or not it sterilize or easy to germinate. I like the maple because it has a cascade habit. This maple will give the house a sense of Asian style which is the same as the Koi Mountain name. The true name is "Harmony" Koi Mountain. It is too bad that I have a small backyard; otherwise, I will have a koi pond along with lotus plant/flower also. The backyard will have 8 types of plums, 5 type of apples, and 4 types of cherry. I have not mention the raise bed around the back wall will have climbing roses. Most of the rose is damask and will be on a shadier side of the house; otherwise none of the bloom will survive. I will collect most of the bloom and make nice dry bouquet. It is too bad that they will only bloom once in the spring time except for Autumn Damask R. damascena bifera 'Quatre Saisons.
I made pork tenderloin in tomato paste

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